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Love is one of the most intense emotions that human beings feel. Most people desire a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. However, while the desire for a romantic relationship is innate, the ability to form a stable, healthy, loving relationship is learned.
Looking around us, we can see that some relationships work and others don’t. Or some relationships start as flourishing and then turn into toxic, unhealthy relationships.

What is the reason for this? Why do most relationships fail?

Numerous articles are about finding the right partner with whom we can share our life is wonderful, but it can be challenging. We often need to go outside our comfort zone, online or in person. Furthermore, determining whether the person is suitable for us as potential mates can be challenging.

What types of relationships are there?

Karmic, toxic, unhealthy relationships

You attract karmic, toxic, or unhealthy relationships when you think you need a man/woman to feel whole and complete. There are things in your life that you are lacking. For instance, you will look for safety in a relationship if you lack safety due to an abandonment wound in your childhood. Every person is different. Every person has their own vulnerabilities. You can lack independence; you can lack courage causing you not to feel complete and whole.
So, you can think you lack something, and you’re going to seek it from a man/woman, even if this is not conscious, and it happens on a much deeper subconscious level. You will attract a man/woman from a wounded place to fill the gaps, but you will create a very toxic, unhealthy, or karmic relationship.

Why are these relationships toxic, unhealthy, or karmic?

Because you will rely on someone else to feel a certain way, which gives away your power.

This type of relationship is radically fraught. There are many back and forths, cause and effects, reactions, reactivity, fighting, and conflicts. Most of the time, the two people try to work it out, but they are in dreadful contrast to each other.

There is also a saying according to which opposites attract each other. However, this is not a real attraction; they actually repel each other. They believe that they attract each other, but they “attract” each other to work out the old patterns from their childhood. They would like to fill their gaps with each other and heal their inner child wounds with each other.

Karmic relationships are particular in which you are working out old conflicts. You are challenging each other to look at your lack. You are challenging each other to look at your lack of belief in yourself, lack of validity, and lack of worth. They make you question yourself: Am I whole? Am I awake?

What can you learn from these toxic, healthy, karmic relationships?

You can use these relationships to figure out who you indeed are.

However, it is often difficult to find out this in these relationships because you are learning in a horrible contrast. The other person is so different from you, but they can arouse you and can also be a great teacher for you if you’re willing to learn.

Healthy, synergistic, soulmate relationships

In the other type of relationships that we can call healthy, synergistic, or soulmate relationships, you are not in contrast but in synergy. 

You both understand each other’s minds. 

You learn through flow, through alignment. 

Things are easy. You’re synergized.
In these soulmate relationships, two whole people come together as opposed to unhealthy relationships, where two people as wholes come together. These relationships are easy because there are synergistic relationships where you are both there for the mutual celebration of each other and flow together.

As we evolve as we grow and awaken, there will be fewer and fewer karmic relationships in our lives. We will create boundaries against them. We will release them with love. And we will enter more synergistic, flowing relationships.

How can you attract synergistic relationships into your life?

The first thing that you need to do is that you genuinely have to work on yourself and really become a whole within. You really need to be deeply in communion with your true self. If this happens, you will no longer tolerate karmic relationships; you will release them with love, create boundaries, and attract synergistic relationships.

If you are whole and complete, you will attract a partner who also feels whole and complete. So you can create a healthy and conscious relationship together. Why? Because you are not seeking someone to make you feel complete. You are not in need. You are whole and complete, and you want to have an equal partner. You already feel safe; you already feel worthy of love. You feel loved, you feel lovable, and you are amazing just on your own. Then your mate is just the cherry on the cake.

Relationships are great catalysts and an invitation for you to transcend your wounds, transcend your fears, heal, and create a conscious love life. Toxic relationships are about your seeking from the outside what you lack inside; this is not sustainable because no one on earth will give you what you have been lacking for so long.

If you want to accelerate your journey of levelling up to a whole and complete person

If you want to find your true self, your authentic self, to attract soulmate love into your life
I have the ability to see your blind spots, to see your vulnerabilities, and to help you close these gaps so that you end the cycle of toxic relationships.

If you are interested, get in touch for a free discovery call and start changing your life.


Why Do Most Relationships Fail?

Updated on April 18, 2023

Love is one of the most intense emotions that human beings feel. Most people desire a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. However, while the desire for a romantic relationship is innate, the ability to form a stable, healthy, loving relationship is learned.
Looking around us, we can see that some relationships work and others don’t. Or some relationships start as flourishing and then turn into toxic, unhealthy relationships.

What is the reason for this? Why do most relationships fail?

Numerous articles are about finding the right partner with whom we can share our life is wonderful, but it can be challenging. We often need to go outside our comfort zone, online or in person. Furthermore, determining whether the person is suitable for us as potential mates can be challenging.

What types of relationships are there?

Karmic, toxic, unhealthy relationships

You attract karmic, toxic, or unhealthy relationships when you think you need a man/woman to feel whole and complete. There are things in your life that you are lacking. For instance, you will look for safety in a relationship if you lack safety due to an abandonment wound in your childhood. Every person is different. Every person has their own vulnerabilities. You can lack independence; you can lack courage causing you not to feel complete and whole.
So, you can think you lack something, and you’re going to seek it from a man/woman, even if this is not conscious, and it happens on a much deeper subconscious level. You will attract a man/woman from a wounded place to fill the gaps, but you will create a very toxic, unhealthy, or karmic relationship.

Why are these relationships toxic, unhealthy, or karmic?

Because you will rely on someone else to feel a certain way, which gives away your power.

This type of relationship is radically fraught. There are many back and forths, cause and effects, reactions, reactivity, fighting, and conflicts. Most of the time, the two people try to work it out, but they are in dreadful contrast to each other.

There is also a saying according to which opposites attract each other. However, this is not a real attraction; they actually repel each other. They believe that they attract each other, but they “attract” each other to work out the old patterns from their childhood. They would like to fill their gaps with each other and heal their inner child wounds with each other.

Karmic relationships are particular in which you are working out old conflicts. You are challenging each other to look at your lack. You are challenging each other to look at your lack of belief in yourself, lack of validity, and lack of worth. They make you question yourself: Am I whole? Am I awake?

What can you learn from these toxic, healthy, karmic relationships?

You can use these relationships to figure out who you indeed are.

However, it is often difficult to find out this in these relationships because you are learning in a horrible contrast. The other person is so different from you, but they can arouse you and can also be a great teacher for you if you’re willing to learn.

Healthy, synergistic, soulmate relationships

In the other type of relationships that we can call healthy, synergistic, or soulmate relationships, you are not in contrast but in synergy. 

You both understand each other’s minds. 

You learn through flow, through alignment. 

Things are easy. You’re synergized.
In these soulmate relationships, two whole people come together as opposed to unhealthy relationships, where two people as wholes come together. These relationships are easy because there are synergistic relationships where you are both there for the mutual celebration of each other and flow together.

As we evolve as we grow and awaken, there will be fewer and fewer karmic relationships in our lives. We will create boundaries against them. We will release them with love. And we will enter more synergistic, flowing relationships.

How can you attract synergistic relationships into your life?

The first thing that you need to do is that you genuinely have to work on yourself and really become a whole within. You really need to be deeply in communion with your true self. If this happens, you will no longer tolerate karmic relationships; you will release them with love, create boundaries, and attract synergistic relationships.

If you are whole and complete, you will attract a partner who also feels whole and complete. So you can create a healthy and conscious relationship together. Why? Because you are not seeking someone to make you feel complete. You are not in need. You are whole and complete, and you want to have an equal partner. You already feel safe; you already feel worthy of love. You feel loved, you feel lovable, and you are amazing just on your own. Then your mate is just the cherry on the cake.

Relationships are great catalysts and an invitation for you to transcend your wounds, transcend your fears, heal, and create a conscious love life. Toxic relationships are about your seeking from the outside what you lack inside; this is not sustainable because no one on earth will give you what you have been lacking for so long.

If you want to accelerate your journey of levelling up to a whole and complete person

If you want to find your true self, your authentic self, to attract soulmate love into your life
I have the ability to see your blind spots, to see your vulnerabilities, and to help you close these gaps so that you end the cycle of toxic relationships.

If you are interested, get in touch for a free discovery call and start changing your life.



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